Pandora for Business

Pandora for Business

Franklin Tarantino November 13, 2020 @ 10:31AM
What exactly is Pandora for Business and how does it compare to UMix? While we make no claim to be the expert on Pandora for Business, we know enough about our industry to provide some understanding of what Pandora for Business really is.  But to understand Pandora...
Six Business Music Scheduling Hacks

Six Business Music Scheduling Hacks

Franklin Tarantino January 15, 2024 @ 12:17AM
In this post, we’ll share six business music scheduling hacks that will help you get the most from your business music service. First Our Assumptions Your music service enables scheduling of playlists. Your broad objective is to maximize the value of...
In-Store Messaging Primer

In-Store Messaging Primer

Franklin Tarantino January 15, 2024 @ 12:18AM
In some cases, the biggest jump in value a business can get from its in-store music program ironically has nothing at all to do with the music. However, it has everything to do with communication.  More specifically, it involves inserting periodic messages that add...
Seven Expert Tips for Great Business Music Service

Seven Expert Tips for Great Business Music Service

Franklin Tarantino January 15, 2024 @ 12:18AM
Recently we were in New Jersey, and went to dinner at a restaurant that had been recommended to us. It was casual fine dining. Upon entering there was a bar to the left, and the dining room was to the right. Much to our surprise, blaring from the bar was a heavy rock...
What is the Best Business Music ?

What is the Best Business Music ?

Franklin Tarantino January 15, 2024 @ 12:19AM
What’s the best business music?  We hear that question in one form or another quite frequently, especially from new customers. If you ask one of the legacy players in our space (e.g. Muzak) you’re likely to trigger a long, complicated discussion leaving...
Legal Music for Your Business

Legal Music for Your Business

Franklin Tarantino January 15, 2024 @ 12:19AM
The requirement for any business using music to improve its environment should be, we believe, is Legal Music for business.  However, some businesses just assume they can play an iPod, iTunes Streaming, or Spotify in their business – without paying anyone.  They...