In this post, we’ll share 4 critical considerations regarding streaming music for your business.

1. Should I play music in my business? –  Music is one way to make customers feel more comfortable – by setting a sensible audio environment.  Music can also be used to support your brand image.  For these reasons and others, many businesses use music to their advantage.  Others use no music.  Notice the silence the next time you visit Target!

2. Should I get a music license? – In general, yes.  U.S. Copyright Law establishes the legal basis to compensate copyright owners.  Playing music in public [in store music and telephone on-hold music are examples] requires that royalties are paid to copyright owners.

3. Are there any exemptions? – Yes.  If you play the radio or TV in smaller venues [3750 sq. ft. for food and drinking or 2000 for others – with limits on the number of speakers] you don’t need to obtain a music license. The exemption applies only to radio and TV, and not to CD’s, music services, etc.

4. Can I do it myself, without a business music service provider? – Yes you can, but you’ll likely find it’s much more cost-effective and professional to use a music service provider.