Hardware and Subscriptions

Music Player


One or Two Separate Zones of Music; Uses Ethernet or WiFi

 Supported by UMix and Ships in One Day

Music Subscription

$33 per month

Over 200 Professional Playlists with Royalties Included

Unlimited Customizing and Scheduling

Need multiple players at the same address?

The UMix music subscription is only $15 for extra players at the same address.  Just buy one music subscription now at $33.

 Later, submit a support ticket to tell us you need extra players for an existing location.



Upload Custom Messages

Unlimited Uploads and Custom Scheduling

Extra Music Zone


Adds a Second Zone of Music

Play a Completely Separate Music Program

Digital Signage Stick


Wifi Compatible HDMI Stick Plugs Into Your TV

Supported by UMix and Ships in One Day

Digital Signage Subscription

$20 per month 

Use Our Use our Templates to Create Your Own Beautiful Signs

Unlimited, Instant Updates